Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bird Migration

·         Travel to warmer places whenever the winter approaches.
·         Stop at same sites to rest and refuel.
·         Migration depends on the species of the bird.
·         Not all birds migrate each year.

Interesting Bird Behavior

·      *   Bathing helps sooth birds skins and keeps them healthy by deterring parasites. Reduces moisture and will increase their body temperature if they bath in the sun.
·        * Males have the brighter feathers, louder chirps, and are generally larger to attract the healthy females.
·         *The bird beaks are different depending on the source of their nutrition. Strength and shape is specific for the different species allowing them to find the best nutrition.
·        * Each species has a different type of nesting habit and some species recycle other birds used nests.

How to Attract Birds

How to Attract Birds

·        * Provide adequate structure
·         *Provide Nesting material
·         *Native plants
·         *Food
·         *Water
·         *Calm and quiet environment
·          *Large space


By: Mikey Mayfield and Autumn Urton

Picture By: Mikey Mayfield
Common Name: Cardinal
Scientific Name: Cardinalis cardinalis
Range: Midwest, Northeast and Southwest United States and Mexico
Habitat: Wooded areas 
Habits:  Males are territorial, sometimes mistaking a reflection of itself as an intruder.

Picture By: Mikey Mayfield
Common Name: Kestrel
Scientific Name: Falco sparverius
Range: North America and South America
Habits: They don't build their own nest, they utilize nests built by other species

Picture By: Mikey Mayfield
Common Name:Mourning Dove
Scientific Name: Zenaida Macroura
Range: United States, Southern Canada, Mexico, and Central America
Habitat: Wooded areas and open land
Habits: The mourning doves can eat anywhere from 12 to 20% of their weight each day.

Picture By: Mikey Mayfield
Common Name: Sparrow
Scientific Name: Passeridae 
Range:Anywhere, found in Europe, Africa, Asia, Americas, Australia
Habitat: Anywhere
Habits: Take dust-baths used as a social activity

Picture By: Autumn Urton
Common Name: Pigeon
Scientific Name: Columbidae
Range: South America, Central and Southern North America, and Central America
Habitat: Cities or towns
Habits: Fairly common, once were used to carry messages during World War I and II

Picture By: Mikey Mayfield
Common Name: Barn Swallow
Scientific Name: Hirundo rustica
Range: North America, South America, and South Africa
Habitat: Open country, little vegetation with close water source
Habits: Skims lakes picking up water in its mouth to drink.

Picture By: Autumn Urton
Common Name: Crow
Scientific Name: Corvus brachyrhynchos
Range: Central North America (United states and parts of Canada)
Habitat: Open space with a few trees and a reliable source of food.
Habits: Sleep in communal roosts at times numbering up to a few million crows.

Picture By: Autumn Urton
Common Name: Common Grackle
Scientific Name: Quiscalus quiscula
Range: East Coast and Central Northern America
Habitat: Towns, scattered trees and open ground
Habits: Not known to nest in birdhouses or anywhere besides treetops

Picture By: Mikey Mayfield
Common Name: The American Gold Finch
Scientific Name: Carduelis tristis
Range: United States and Mexico
Habitat: Open woodland
Habit: Undergoes entire molts

Picture By: Mikey Mayfield
Common Name: House Finch
Scientific Name: Haemorhous mexicanus
Range:North America
Habitat: Deserts, Orchads, and Suburban areas
Habit: Nests in cavities 

Baltimore Oriole Photo
Picture By: Bryan Hix

Common Name:Baltimore Oriole
Scientific Name: Icterus galbula
Range: Northeast United States, Central America, and Northern South America
Habitat: Forest Edge and riverbanks
Habits: Prefer dark colored fruit and berries over green grapes and yellow cherries

Black-capped Chickadee Photo
Picture by: Kevin Bolton
Common Name: Black-capped Chickadee
Scientific Name: Poecile atricapillus
Range: Northern United States and Southern Canada
Habitat: Forests often mixed, and parks
Habits: Normally sleep alone no matter how cold it may be. 

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Photo
Picture by: Christopher L. Wood

Common Name: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Scientific Name: Tyrannus forficatus
Range: Kansas. Oklahoma, Texas and parts of Central America
Habitat: Grassland with scattered trees
Habits: Use a lot of human objects to build their nest (string, fuzz, paper, etc.)

American Goldfinch Photo
Picture by: keefee

Common Name: American Goldfinch
Scientific Name: Spinus tristis
Range: United States and southern Canada
Habitat: Overgrown Areas that have shrubs and trees to nest in.
Habits: Eat mainly vegetables and rarely an insect

Wild Turkey Photo
Picture by: Lee Anne Russell

Common Name: Turkey
Scientific Name: Meleagris
Range: North America
Habitat: Hardwood forests 
Habits: Omnivores, Males do not help care for the offspring

Magnificent Frigatebird Photo
Picture By: shadowhunter

Common Name: Magnificent Frigatebird
Scientific Name: Fregata magnificens
Range: Southern Florida, Islands in Pacific and Atlantic oceans
Habitat: Dry Islands and coral reefs
Habits: Flies over the ocean rarely landing on the water

Belted Kingfisher Photo
Picture By: Nick Chill

Common Name: Belted Kingfisher
Scientific Name: Megaceryle alcyon
Range: North America and Central America
Habitat: Rivers, lakes, any body of water that has unclouded water and little vegetation that blocks their view of the water
Habits: Female birds have brighter colors than the males do.

Downy Woodpecker Photo
Picture By: Ronaldok

Common Name: Downy Woodpecker
Scientific Name: Picoides pubescens
Range:United States and Canada
Habitat: Open areas often near streams
Habits: Take part of mixed species flocks during the winter

Picture By: Andy Johnson

Common Name: Bonaparte's Gull
Scientific Name: Chroicocephalus philadelphia
Range: North America (United States and Canada), and Cuba
Habitat: Trees and forests near lakes, marshes, and along coasts.
Habits: The only gull that nests in trees regularly.

American White Pelican Photo
Picture By: Gerrit Vyn

Common Name: American White Pelican
Scientific Name: Pelecanus Erythrorynchos
Range: West-coast and Central United States, and Mexico 
Habitat: Islands, lakes, rivers and coastal bays.
Habits: At times they fish in groups by circling the fish to corral them.

Paul, Allen. "All About Birds." Your Online Guide to Birds and Bird Watching. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2013.